Municipal Law

Our attorneys serve as labor counsel, town counsel and special counsel to Massachusetts municipal and regional entities. The Municipal Law Group advises our municipal clients with respect to a full range of legal issues, including labor and employment, conflict of interest, land use, zoning and subdivision control, collective bargaining, property taxation, public procurement and bidding procedures, designer selection, public construction, environmental matters and litigation. We work with town managers, boards of selectmen and other municipal officials, advising them with respect to municipal legal issues. We attend public meetings and hearings; prepare contracts, warrants and orders; and draft special legislation as required.

The firm's municipal litigation practice addresses a broad spectrum of issues, including the defense of civil rights and tort claims, public bidding and public procurement disputes, and labor and employment cases.

Practice Chair

Ashley P. Coffey

Ashley P. Coffey

Moriah L. Cummings

Moriah L. Cummings

Todd K. Helwig

Todd K. Helwig

Robert L. Kilroy

Robert L. Kilroy
Co-Managing Partner

John O. Mirick

John O. Mirick
Of Counsel

Sharon P. Siegel

Sharon P. Siegel
Of Counsel

Marc L. Terry

Marc L. Terry

e-Alert: Handling Public Comment and Public Records Requests in Light of Critical Race Theory, COVID-19 and Other Contentious Issues

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e-Alert: What Employers Need to Know about President Biden's "Path Out of the Pandemic" COVID-19 Action Plan

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Bob Kilroy quoted in Boston Business Journal article, "Covid Surge Puts Wrinkle in Some Employers' Return-to-Office Plans""

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Dave McCay interviewed by Go Green Radio, "PFAS in Your Water? You Have Rights"

Who will pay to remove PFAS from the public water supply - taxpayers? Can a resident sue their local government if their illness is connected to PFAS in the drinking water? Tune in to find out.

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e-Alert: Remote Public Meetings Authorized Through April of 2022; New Law Extends Additional COVID-19 Emergency Rules

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e-Alert: Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave - Updated Guidance and Resources

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Amanda Baer will be on Worcester County Bar Association panel "Maximizing your Remote Stenography and Videography Services now and Post-Pandemic"

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PODCAST: Ken Pickering discusses Preventing, Detecting and Responding to Employee Fraud

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Amanda Baer quoted in Workest by Zenefits article "Can Small Businesses require COVID Vaccines in the Workplace?"

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PODCAST: Amanda Baer discusses American Rescue Plan Act and FFCRA

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PODCAST: Mirick O'Connell attorneys discuss February being Heart Awareness Month

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PODCAST: Amanda Baer discusses Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination Claims

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PODCAST: Mirick O'Connell attorneys discuss Remembering RBGT: Her Life and Legacy

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PODCAST: Chris Collins discusses the Benefit of Serving in the Community

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PODCAST: John Shea discusses Mediation in Divorce Cases

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e-Alert: A Trap for the Unwary: A Furlough May Compromise Your Non-Compete Agreement

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e-Alert: Municipalities May Allow Outdoor Dining for Restaurants During COVID-19 Re-Opening

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PODCAST: Brian Falk discusses local government during the COVID-19 emergency.

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e-Alert: Governor Baker Signs New Municipal Relief Bill

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e-Alert: Governor Files Bill to Help Delay Town Meeting Season During COVID-19 Emergency

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Public and Municipal Law Update: "Recent Court Decision Clarifies the Massachusetts Independent Contractor Law Does Not Apply to Public Employers"

09/26/2022[ read full story ]

Handling Public Comment and Public Records Requests in Light of Critical Race Theory, COVID-19 and Other Contentious Issues

10/14/2021[ read full story ]

e-Alert: Should Employers Consider Surcharges for Unvaccinated Workers?

9/14/2021[ read full story ]

e-Alert: What Employers Need to Know about President Biden's "Path Out of the Pandemic" COVID-19 Action Plan

9/14/2021[ read full story ]

e-Alert: Remote Public Meetings Authorized Through April of 2022; New Law Extends Additional COVID-19 Emergency Rules

6/18/2021[ read full story ]

Short-Term Rental Law Gives Municipalities Taxation and Regulatory Options

1/17/19[ read full story ]

Federal District Court Ruling Raises Questions About Secret Audio Recordings of Public Officials

1/14/19[ read full story ]

Supreme Judicial Court's Decision in Somerville v. Commonwealth Employment Relations Board Represents Big Win for Municipalities on Retiree Health Insurance Benefits

02/11/15[ read full story ]

Open Meeting Law: Remote Participation & Proposed Definition of "Knowing" Violations

December 20, 2011[ read full story ]

OSHA and MA DSL Compliance and Workplace Safety Seminar

02/15/2019[ read full story ]

Our Practices